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20170107_guitar ninja



Portuguese Blues

2018_01_12_featured image

Resolutions: act normal (at a steady pace)

  We tend to set the bar too high for ourselves. We reach for the stars and forget to keep both feet on the ground… With we, I obviously mean myself. 

2017_12_22_quinta da ribeira (1 of 1)

Clean house project

One of the reasons for going off-grid is wanting to iron out some misunderstandings about clean energy. Technology is evolving rapidly. The possibilities to live independently improve every couple of months. But we are addressing the wrong problem.

Ovar_lake (2 of 9)

What a disastrous week


Where has my food gone?

My first job in Espinho was cooking for a bunch of yogi’s. It was actually more of a favour but people liked what I cooked that day and offered to pay. At this point, I spend much more time in the kitchen here than expected.

Tien jaar

Ten years together: about time & future

minimalisme waste free (1 of 5)

Getting lucky

Why did we move abroad? Clean air. More space. More sun & outdoor activities. Less need to buy things, to follow trends. Everything in Belgium became a design object and nothing was essential.

Laurence blog (4 of 13)

Africa with a toddler

Espinho surf (4 of 4)

Fire on Babylon

Ophelia created a beautiful Indian summer with amazing light in the sky that attracted amateur photographers like me. But the hot wind also brought disaster. The air was filled with ashes. It was snowing ashes on our car & in our bathtub.  Davy pointed out the cumulonimbus clouds. ‘There’s a storm coming,’ he said. ‘It’s […]